
blog saves lives

writing blogs used to be a routine i did back in 2008. i remember did it since i knew blogspot for the first time in high school era. sharing music experience, personal life to inner struggle, you name it, and i might've written all those stuff.

what i did was blog-hopping from one platform to another since then. i move to wordpress, move along to social media, then to medium, until now i've been trying for bearblog. one thing i learn from that activity is... i love to blog. i love share feelings through text writings.

though writing has become more serious than ever, now it's become a job to continue life too. the path that lead to here, more or less, was because of the love of writing too.

and to think of it, blog might be here to saves lives. i think i'm lucky enough to make writing as a living. and it all started from blogging.

blog might be here to saves lives

the intend to blog has become a coping mechanism for me too. i remember when i'm angry, either about personal life or job related, i channel the feeling through a blog.

not only when i'm angry. i once blog about slowness that helped define one phase of a life. not only channeling a feeling. to blog is to be retrospective as good as you can be.

this might be the case that i will be continuing to blog again here. funny thing i love about bearblog is the simplicity. the simple thing is much represent me enough here. less is more, people often said.

i didn't realize a blog could save lives this far, at least it saves me. and i might continue this as a voyage, that a feeling should be stored again, fulfilled at a blog. and i think it might save you too.

at least it saves me, and it might saves you too.

#thoughts #writing