
on incompetency

signal-2024-03-21-35725 PM-02

nothing is more bothering than an incompetency.

incompetence, is an inability to perform optimally while a task should be done as targeted. facts in real life, you'll meet bunch of incompetents at least once in your life.

basically i'm an incompetent too. but in my case i've committed to become capable, to become competent. when asked to do a task, i'd pursue to get the job done.

i worked myself for it because we're all the same as workers. so when asked to do the task again, i agreed and directly focus into the task. nothing to complain about that.

there are fine lines in it. you're incompetent but you commited yourself to work as hard as it gets done. what outcome it got will be accepted at that point. because you've been working hard for it.

you commit yourself to work as hard as it gets done.

then here came a colleague, complained so much about a leader and workflow on a team. meanwhile she hasn't proved any single thing that she's professional enough to do a task. talked so much, less action.

one thing she didn't notice how she got the job done herself. sources said she's taking too long time to write one news article. she didn't fulfill the deadlines, while too often excuse herself in the work.

one source said she's too demanding in a team that bother other colleagues too. some weren't comfortable working with her at that time.

one time she's cornered, she reported her leader as problematic when she's part of the problem itself. sources said again, she begged the boss, said that she wanted to work as long as she could in the company. while she didn't help herself to work professionally.

she begged and cried for help, but didn't help herself.

sources said again she cried and begged. i got affected as the decision. i was told to move on a team that i supposed not joined.

never once in life, and still hard for me to process it too. you try to work as good, then you have to bear the burden because someone didn't do their job well. i thought the logic of it and still didn't make any sense.

after the team-shifting, then she thought everything was ok with the decision. that people would agree to it all.

what i want to tell her now is, you don't complain a bad system, a bad leader, even a bad corp with showing your bad competency. you have to perform well enough before you criticizing the system. that's what you should've done.

meanwhile, she created a hole where her competency could be questioned. at that circumstances, i'm sure that any of her critics won't be listened by others.

i would fix the logic of her incompetency here. if she's not competent to do the work, than she should've got bad report for it. that should've meant a rejection for a task assigned. that should affect her career. and she should've been resigned for the job.

"heaven on earth is the choice we make", she said. what i respond about her quote now is, you make your heaven on earth while sacrificing other people. thank you for that. i've been enough with her hypocrite.

i might avoid her once and for all. and that might be the healthiest decision i should take for now so i still could be sane.

avoid, once and for all.

#thoughts #writing